WHY do you create?

Do you ever wonder why you are creating? Like what is the main reason behind what you make something. It could be to unwind after a long day at work, an exciting challenge that fills you up inside or because you want to refine a skill you've maybe learned long ago and feel like you've lost. There's no wrong answer, but I think it's so important to really find your WHY in why you create. Why, you ask? Because when you define your why, it gives you the ability to make it a priorty. If you want your creative practice to be a priority in your life, you have to be willing to make the time for it. All too often I hear people say "oh I don't have time for this.." but REALLY what you are saying when you don't have time for something is "this is not a priority for me".. so next time you catch yourself saying you don't have time for something, try replacing it with the words "this isn't a priority for me, and see how that feels. If it bothers you, it's worth diving into. It's worth spending the time to think about why you really want to do it, if the means justify the odds, your next step is to figure out how you are going to prioritize it. Is it by carving out time in the morning before work, waking up a little earlier, staying up a little later, creating during your lunch break? You get to decide. I think that's the true beauty about creating, YOU get to decide what you make! You were given the ability to be creative from the beginning of your life and you get to use that skill to create things you've maybe only dreamt of. When you tap into your reason behind creating, it changes everything. It catapults you into places you've never been and helps you in so many other ways. I have to chosen to personally find time to create every day because it fills me up, helps me slow down, and makes me feel alive. I know it's part of my purpose in life and I want to steward it well. If you're wanting to prioritize creating more, I have youtube tutorials here that can help you do just that.